At my age, one would think I had become resigned to the amount of hypocrisy that we are all guilty of. Unfortunately, nearly everyday I still get that feeling of disappointment at the double standards that prevail...and yes, I admit I am just as guilty as everyone else. Humanity is frail and often selfish so therein lies a cop out. However when it comes to Customer Service, I fail to find many peoples actions excusable, and as Julius Sumner Miller would ask, why is it so?
We all want respect from sales people and exceptional service - good service is taken for granted so nothing but exceptional service gets any recognition. But as customers there is the appalling lack of disrespect the moment the least inconvenience should come between us and those we consider our servants, the salespeople. It's almost as though shoppers/clients have an ogre switch. Rude behavior, arrogance and a voice emitting instant freeze and biting sarcasm let's the whole store know what they want, when, how, what price and it had better be as good as they advertise or...I'LL BE BACK.
On those few occassions when things don't go as well as expected, be it the sales transaction or the product, there is no compromise. It is "I'm going to Consumer Affairs", the less likely scenario now, or the growing favourite "I'm going to contact This day tonight (or a Current Affair or any other television show) and your name will be mud."
Now the real hypocrisy is in when the salesperson is a loved one, family member (not always the same category) or a friend and they regale you of tales of being treated and spoken to badly, we are all appalled. How dare customers behave like that. Don't they understand that salespeople have no control over prices, product condition and layout of store. How dare they.
Now, ofcourse there are salespeople who are rude, ignorant or appear not to give a hoot. But does ranting, raving and grand gestulating to become the centre of attention change those people? No. What it invariably does do is make other customers who may have thought the same as you, back away. They are embarassed for the sales staff and offended by the loutish behaviour. Why? Because I think we see a little of ourselves in others and not liking what we see, try to distance ourselves from the image.
Salespeople should serve as they liked to be served, and customers should treat store staff as they would want to be treated.
See, I am not only a hypocrit myself, I'm also either naive or idealistic. Never mind, this will no doubt change when I become old and eccentric.
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